Best On Page SEO Techniques To Implement

On-Page SEO Techniques or On-Site SEO is the practice of optimizing elements on the website in order to rank higher and to earn good traffic from search engines. The fundamental goal of On-site SEO is to make a page useful for both search engines and users. On-page SEO activities include using keywords in right place and in density, usage of internal links, meta tags, taking care of image SEO, etc. Here let us look at the best on-page SEO techniques to be implemented in detail to attain a good ranking.

On-Page SEO Techniques

  • In-depth Content: Content must be thorough to attain a good ranking. Google Panda updatewas to eliminate thin content.
  • Convenience: Google checks the content to know whether it is readable? Is it organized or not?
  • Exclusive: The content in the page must be unique and properly addressed.
  • Credible & Definitive: Checks whether your content is good enough to read and does it provide the information that the user queries for.

Keyword Agnostic On-Page SEO Techniques

On Page SEO Ranking Factors

  • Content of Page: Good content has demand since it provides relevant information.
  • Title Tag must contain 50 to 60 characters. Try to put the keyword first. Also add modifiers to your title like best, 2018, review etc.
  • Use SEO friendly URL
  • Fascinate with multimedia images: Inclusion of images reduces bounce rate and it also boosts user-interaction signals
  • Use the keyword in first 100 words.
  • Use internal and external links.
  • Apply LSI keyword To understand about a particular query Google looks at LSI keywords or synonyms of the searched keyword. LSI stands for latent semantic indexing.
  • Image Optimization: Include targeting keyword in the image file name and also in the alt text. To write good alt text keep the tips given below in mind. Describe the image as clearly as possible and keep it short. Also, use the focusing keyword in it.

Hope you all get a small idea of the On-Page Optimization techniques and it’s ranking factors.
