Categories: SEO

How To Verify Websites By Webmaster Tools

Webmaster Tools: The Mock Point

Search engine optimization is a set of processes used to list a web page or website in top search results. There are many SEO tools available today. But Google webmaster tool is the best in them and also we have Bing webmaster tools too. Here we discuss how to verify websites by webmaster tools and first, we are going with Google webmaster tools.

Google Webmaster Tools

For this, you need to log in to your mail account. After login take to google and search google webmaster tools or you can type the You can see like this


Here click on the search console. Then you can see the option to add a property. Here you have given your website address and clicked on add. After this, you will reach the verification process.

In the verification process, there are different ways but the easiest way is HTML tag given in alternate method. Select it and you can see a code. Just copy the code and paste it on the header section of your website.

For example, if you are going to verify your WordPress site then copy the HTML code and paste it on the text box of google webmaster tools.

If you have done your verification process successfully you will get a message about it and click on the continue button in that notification. After the verification, you will reach your search console dashboard.

Here you can see the option crawl, this is used to fetch your page in the verified website. Click on fetch as google in the crawl option after this your fetched page will be shown and you need to click on request indexing. A new window will come and contain options like crawl this URL only and crawl this URL and direct links. Select the appropriate one for your page.

Now, let’s discuss some other terms shown here.

Search Analytics

If you click on search analytics will show the list of keywords searched by users to reach into your site. You can see 5 indicators in that, they are


It gives details about your site ranked at which keyword. We can identify the relevant keywords in this.


This means a number of users clicking ie, how many people are seeing your site by clicking the search result.


This means for a number of keyword searches by people your site may appear in the search result. In each search result even if the users don’t visit your site you still get an impression.

Click-Through Rate

In the search results, your site may be present, then many people will click it and visit your site. The percentage of these people is the click-through rate.


For each keyword, your site has positioned. Here you can understand your site’s position for each keyword. The top one to three positions is the best.

Some Other Important Terms Are :

Crawl Errors

This will show the errors detected while Google bot-checked your site. This section will show all kinds of errors like server errors, missing pages, etc.,


These kinds of files can restrict the crawling programs of bots from websites or from certain files or folders.

So these are the main terms you need to know in webmaster tools. The webmaster tool provides communication to us. This will point out our errors and mistake us. So make use of Google webmaster tools to improve your site ranking and to correct your mistakes.

Bing Webmaster Tools

The Bing webmaster tools are just like Google webmaster tools but Bing is a search engine owned by Microsoft and available in 40 different languages. Optimization of your web page by bing webmaster tools is by the following process.

Search bing webmaster tools or you can type the address Login via your Microsoft account and after that login to your blogger or WordPress you want to add. In the bing webmaster dashboard you can see the option add site.



Click on add your site and a new set of options will be shown like this :

Here you have to give the website details. Copy the website URL and paste it into the text field shown at the top. Add necessary details here and save it.


The easy verification way is to copy the meta tag (option 2). For example, if you are going to verify blogger then click on themes and select edit HTML. Paste the copied code in the head section. After this come back to bing webmaster and click on verify and you will get a notification about verification is successful or not. In the dashboard, you can see the option diagnostics and tools, in that click on fetch as Bingbot.

Here paste your website address and the pages in it and click on fetch one by one. In the dashboard, you can see the fetched site. To check the activity click on it and you can see the options like clicks from search, crawl errors, pages indexed, appeared in the search, sitemaps, etc.

Crawl Error

The crawl error section shows the errors like unsupported content, page not found, etc, while the crawling process.


Sitemaps can make navigation easy. A sitemap is really important to communicate with search engines. By adding a sitemap your website will get better visibility.

These are the main webmaster tools and their verification and extra details. In SEO webmaster tools are important, because with that you understand the errors and you can increase the website rank.
