How to use Facebook Ads for Marketing & Business Promotion

Undoubtedly, Facebook is one of the best social media platforms to build a network for your business and to attract the right set of audience, which will help you to generate revenue. Hence if you are a business owner; It is essential to learn How to use Facebook Ads to promote your business.

Due to a lot of businesses promoting themselves on Facebook. The news feed section on any Social media platform has lost its effectiveness now. The organic search seems to have become tougher due to high competition in the market. Achieving targets through organic search on a newly built website becomes a little tougher due to huge competition. And hence promoting your business through paid ads on Social media platforms, especially on Facebook makes a lot of sense. For doing this, You may have to understand How to use Facebook Ads first . Then invest in ‘Facebook ads’ to build an audience and improve your business.

Starting a campaign on Facebook is very simple. But you need to keep a tab on the performance as well without that investment becomes completely useless. As a business person, you need to always keep track of every single penny.  The same applies to your investment as well. When you are running an Ad campaign on Facebook you need to think beyond the ‘post reach and likes’. Well, there would be a lot of questions on understanding how to check the Return on Investment (ROI) through Ad campaigns from Facebook, isn’t it?

Let’s go ahead and see the most important ways to measure the performance of your Ad campaigns through Facebook and learn”How to use Facebook Ads”.

Do you know what happens after a visitor clicks on a Facebook ad that you are running?

If you are still wondering the ways to keep a tab on the performance of an ad campaign go ahead and adapt to any of the below-mentioned techniques. This will also give you an idea of “How to use Facebook Ads” effectively.

  1. Conversion rates

    When you are running an Ad campaign like this, you need to measure the conversion and this is the most important criteria to be measured. This ad campaign is created in order to get a lot of clicks from the visitors who check your Ad.

  2. Lead generation

    You can keep a tab on the count of people who would be interested to sign up for an offer that you have posted on the landing page through Facebook. For example, a click at the landing page would cost around $4 and with a 10% of conversion, you would be able to analyze the investment and the results achieved through this ad campaign. However, at times the ad campaigns would only get you a lot of clicks without any conversions at all. In such cases, you need to quickly run a systematic analysis on the landing page to get more conversions. This is an important thing you should take care of when learning”How to use Facebook Ads”.

  3. Generating sales

    This metric can be used to track the investment you have made on an ad campaign when you would want to sell a product. If you are unhappy with the number of sales you have made, you may have to either increase the budget on the ad to reach more people else, wait for the ones who have already visited to get familiarized with the product you own and convert them.

  4. How to increase the traffic on your website

    Boost a post to check the number of likes and this ad campaign will only increase the number of likes on a particular post you have boosted or the overall page. Besides measuring the conversion rates through the above-mentioned campaigns, you may also choose to have Facebook pixels too. This can be done when you want Facebook to track the rates on conversion to optimize an ad for you.

  5. Frequency

    This campaign is completely based on the budget, if you are good to invest quite a bit on the ad campaigns then this ad campaign would certainly be of no interest to you and you need to make sure to keep a tab on the frequency of the ad campaigns to track the investment. The idea behind running this campaign is to keep track of the times for which the ad gets displayed to the visitor. Never annoy a user with the continuous display of the same ads repeatedly. Visitors are likely to get bored and the chances of them leaving your website would as well increase due to this.

    There are even instances of AdEspresso reporting about users getting annoyed over an advertisement. You may also take a hit on the relevance score if a visitor submits feedback to Facebook about the ad campaign as Not Interesting. If a visitor is interested, they would certainly get in touch with you displaying an ad repeatedly would only put off the visitors. If this is likely to affect your business badly, you can always choose to redesign the ads by changing the value propositions. Choose the option Daily Unique Reach, which can make sure the ads are being displayed only once to the exclusive visitors.

    Note: There is no substantial evidence on setting an upper-limit cap. This is completely dependent on the product, the type of ad campaign as well as also the type of industry.

  6. Spend as well as ROAS (Return On Advertising Spending)

    You should always focus on building quality traffic on your website, but; why should someone focus on this aspect?

    To build substantial revenue, you need to have concrete plans. By just running ads on Facebook you may not be able to get the complete ROI  on the business you have made. Having a strategy guide on ad campaigns becomes very important along with the revenue. Try to reallocate the ads to track the performance of the ad campaigns. This will enable you to keep track of the ad campaigns that are least effective. You need to have a clear strategy on the budget as well along with the type of ad campaigns you would choose to get the target audience. Always keep a tab on the expenses to know the performance of the ad campaigns. In order to get a clear picture of the investment, you can use the feature Facebook tracking pixel.

    Haven’t you set up pixels and are you seeking help on calculating the ROI on the investment you have made on an ad campaign?

  7. CPC (Cost Per Click) and CTR(Click-Through-Rate)

    CPC is the cost of every average click that gets routed from your ad to the web page. CTR is used to calculate the proportion of people who visit the website, after having a look at your ad. If the CPC is high, then you must ensure to check the CTR. A small CTR is a clear indicator of your ad creative not being good or the way you choose your audience is not right. Though both these measurements are not of that importance they are certainly used as a general gauge to check the creativity of your ad campaigns.

  8. Cost per Action

    You can choose to select the ‘Action button’ to achieve the desired behavior from a prospective customer. This includes the click on your page, a visit to your website, and also views on the videos that you have posted. You may not be able to achieve any insights by actions alone. For instance, if you make a comparison between two ads, it is good to have a tab on the ad that generates a lot of actions.

    To get the exact view of your ads, it is good to have run a Cost per Action campaign. Always, try to have a lower CPA to manage the conversion rates to drive a good amount of revenue. Try to measure the CPA, ad set expenses, frequency as well as other metrics, for a better context. For instance, if you have a Cost per Action of 80 cents, it only gives you a picture of creating an action cost. If you calculate the same thing with the frequency and the expense, then you would get a holistic view of the entire campaign.

    Along with the metrics that can be used to make your ad campaign effective, you should also know about the vanity metrics as well so that you do not get overwhelmed about the ad campaign. It’s good to know about the 3 vanity metrics that usually distract marketers. If you hear a marketer blabbering about a random metric, then you need to understand that these campaigns would not make much difference which would impact the result in the success of your campaign directly and it is good not to give too much significance to any of the metrics.

  9. Likes and Theoretical reach

    What is that you look for when you first visit a page on Facebook?

    As a social media marketing specialist, you should be looking beyond fans and likes on the pages. It’s pretty simple to buy likes through ‘Fiverr’ to generate a false social testimony.  A lot of social media marketing professionals would be overwhelmed and end up buying unworthy likes, especially, after getting to know that their competitors have a lot of fans. Though you can increase fan followers, the social media commitment will definitely go for a toss. You should have a different perspective to look at a page that has about 75,000 fans but has very liked on the updates they share, as a social media marketer you need to start analyzing the situation instead of getting excited. Like dealers are getting a strict warning from Facebook so that the businesses do not end up having fake likes.

    What do you do if you earn likes through Facebook Ad campaigns?

    You should be aware that gaining fans from running ads is still fine when compared to buying likes from companies. However; you should know that accelerating your business through Social Media is also important. But, you need to stick to the proper techniques of running an ad campaign. You should also remember that the number of reach on your posts is never proportional to the number of likes and the kind of engagement that happens on your posts. So, it becomes important that you do not fill your report with just the number of reaches your ad would have received.

    Buffer started running an ad campaign at $5, although their reach was over 7k, their click rate was as less as only 95%. The total number of click-through rates and the views on the video also would be misguiding.  I don’t think that you should rely on click-through rates, either. Clicks can be useless, in a lot of ways. Was your ad so powerful and it made the person click on the see more button, though your ad copy was lengthy?

    If you want to start an ad campaign to generate a lot of likes on the Facebook page, then such clicks are almost of no use at all. And, if you are looking to generate a lot of traffic on your website from these Facebook Ads, then you may have to specifically depend on these link clicks. Another metric that most of them depend on while going for a video ad is the number of views.

    Did you even know that if a video is viewed for more than 3 seconds on Facebook it is counted as 1 view?
    The feature of auto-play (they are claiming to update the policy) is on the news feed makes absolutely no sense as the videos are automatically played. They are watched without knowing anything about your brand.

  10. Relevance Score

    Relevance score is one of the important aspects to achieve better results through the paid marketing campaign. This has a straight impact on the advertising fee. Chances of lesser relevance scores beating those with more relevance scores are also there. Are you eager to understand how that happens? Relevance score would only let you know about the relevance of your ad campaign to your set target audience and demographics. But, it doesn’t criticize the quality of your ad creativity and copy.

    Now you have understood “How to use Facebook Ads”. You are aware of both the best and the vanity techniques of running an ad campaign effectively on Facebook. So, it’s all in your hands to take your business to the next level through ads.

‘Facebook’ is gaining popularity day by day. Hence,’ Facebook ads’ have been considered as one of the most powerful lead generation opportunities for a lot of businesses.

Never follow the vanity metrics that would mostly misguide you. It may be hard to follow all the metrics mentioned above for How to use Facebook Ads. However, to get a better performance report about your business. And have in-depth details on your ad campaigns it becomes important to have these metrics in place.

Now, You have to understand How to use Facebook Ads. You are now aware of the five most important metrics. It can be focused on measuring the performance of your ad campaigns on Facebook. It’s good to bring all the metrics together. Instead of trying to view the performance of each and every metric in isolation check for the performance of your ads.

The list of metrics is pretty exhaustive. However, I have tried my best to give it the best shot to explain some of the metrics in this article. So I want to hear from you, in the comments below. Also do let me know about the metrics you’re relying on to measure the success of your campaigns?






