SEO tips

Website Analysis for Better Performance

Website Analysis is used to measure and analyse the performance of websites based on factors like SEO, speed, traffic, ranking etc. It is a part of the on-page optimization process. To improve the ranking and reachability of a website, SEO professionals need to go through this process to discover the website’s weaknesses and its status. It is a way for professionals to analyse a website and find out how well it is works or performs. This process includes research, tracking, collection, reviewing and reporting data regarding a website and its components, such as images, videos, and web pages.

Which Are The Tools For Website Analysis?

Web analysis tools help to improve the traffic and search ranking of a website by optimizing it. There are plenty of tools out there to analyse the performance of a website. The following are just a few of them:

  • Wayback Machine

Google Visibility – Website Analysis

For web examination, one needs to report and record every progress and weakness of a website. Google visibility is the first step in this documentation process. The visibility of your website can be viewed as a metric that represents how often it is found on the web. you can check your site’s visibility by searching site:domain name (without space).

Age of the Website

Next, you have to calculate the domain age. When you talk about a website’s age, you are referring to how long the domain name has been active. You can see older screenshots of websites using the Wayback Machine. This free online tool lets you see what websites looked like in the past. Trust in your website increases with its age.

Page Authority and Domain Authority

Page authority and domain authority is developed by to check the website’s improvement. According to Moz, Page Authority determines how well a page will appear in search engine results. It measures the ranking of a single page. Whereas Domain authority determines how well a website will appear in search engine results. Both of these scores range from 1 to 100. When you get links from high domain authority ranked sites, your domain authority will also improve.

Traffic Ranking – Web Analysis

Traffic ranking is the rank you get for your site when compared to all other sites. is a tool to analyse traffic ranking. It will rank your website globally and regionally by analysing its visit and interaction.  Alexa is a mini audit tool because it allows you to get a better understanding of your site’s value.

Woorank A Complete Web Analysis Tool

Woorank gives a complete picture of your website’s performance. It is a detailed review of your site’s improvements and errors. It will check everything including mobile friendliness, AMP, broken links and hreflang tags in a site. With this digital marketing tool, one can improve their site’s ranking and visibility.

Pagespeed for website analysis

Pages peed insight by Google analyse a website’s mobile friendliness and also its performance in mobile. This tool helps to make your website load faster on any device.
