Categories: SEO

On Page Optimization Techniques In SEO

 There are two types of optimization. On-page optimization and Off-page optimization. Here we discuss On-page optimization. On-page optimization includes the optimization done directly on the webpage. On-page optimization is done to make a webpage or website search engine friendly. It is also known as webpage optimization and it involves changes made on the webpage to get a high rank and top listing in search engines. This can be done by using different on-page optimization techniques. Mainly there are 8 best on-page optimization techniques in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

On-Page Optimization Techniques

Different techniques are being used to do on-page optimization. There are 8 important on-page optimization techniques.

They are :

  • Title Tag Optimization
  • Heading Tag Optimization
  • Meta Tag Optimization
  • URL Optimization
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Keyword Density Optimization
  • Authorship Optimization

Title Tag Optimization

One of the important factors which play a major role in the search engine is the title. The title is the first detail of our webpage and it should be selected by including the targeted keyword at the beginning. Select a title that is meaningful and its size should be about 512 pixels i.e about 55-60 characters. If it exceeds then the title will get broken.

Important points to be remembered in selecting a title:

  • Title should contain minimum 40 characters.
  • It should contain no errors mainly grammatical errors.
  • Title should be related to the content

Heading Tag Optimization

The Heading tags are used to highlight headings, subheadings and important points. Heading tag is of sizes from <h1> to <h6> from which <h1> has the largest size and <h6> has the smallest size. Title tag is included in <h1> tag. If title is not given then google will take <h1> tag as title. If <h1> tag is not there then it will go for <h2> else <h3>. So try to give only one <h1> tag else it will create confusion to google.

Meta Tag Optimization

The Unique content about our webpage should be given as a meta description. This description is displayed on the search engine with the title. If the meta description is not given then Google will take any description from the content as a meta description. The meta description can contain a maximum of 155-160 characters.

URL Optimization

While giving URL takes a simple one and should be meaningful as well as related to the content. Then it will be easier for Google in crawling the website. Targeted keywords should also be included in the URL.

Anchor Text Optimization

The Anchor text is a clickable visible text and it has a hyperlink. Anchor text hyperlinks direct the readers to another location. It will act as a recommendation for Google and a reference to the users. Try to give the appropriate keyword as anchor text which will be meaningful.

Anchor text is represented as:

<a href=””></a>

For eg: <a href=””>Bing</a>

Here Bing is the anchor text and the URL “” is the target page which is given as the link.

Image Optimization

The Image can play a vital role in the presentation view of the website. Image can deliver the message in a single glance. While doing image optimization certain points are to be remembered. Google bots will not be able to find the detail of the image by seeing the URL. So we should add alternate text to the image, which helps Google bots in identifying the details of the image. While giving the file name try to name it with related content, it will also be helpful for Google. Google bots will also analyze the surrounding content of the image for getting image details. Images from published websites can also be added by adding their URL under the image courtesy.

Keyword Density Optimization

Keyword density means the ratio or the percentage of keywords out of the total number of words within the content. Including keywords in the content is a good usage but over in use will not help better. So around 2-5% is an optimal usage. Using keywords after a ‘,’ or ‘.’ will create more stress on the keyword since a user, as well as the Google bots, will stop there. Over usage of keywords can cause Google to penalize the website and indexing can be blocked.

Authorship Optimization

Authorship creates a connection between the article authors and Google. When we publish a webpage to the internet we should verify the authorship because while crawling Google will check for the authorship. This is one of the important on-page optimization techniques. Authorship will create authority and validity for the user. In the case of a website, the relationship is not the author but it is the publisher. In the authorship optimization, the connection is established using the Google profile. If a Google profile contains the profile picture and personal data, then it creates more trust value.

Juby Sara Varghese