Categories: Internet Marketing

Multi Channel Approach For Marketing Campaigns

Today we have many platforms to promote our business. During old times, radio was the only medium for marketing campaigns. Later television became a dominant platform. But this changed with the advent of the Internet. It sowed seeds to a multi-channel approach which later became a major tool for businesses for marketing campaigns. It is an approach where businesses use multiple channels to interact with customers to sell their products and services. The channel can be direct and indirect; emails, TV ads, Phone calls, bus ads, billboards, Facebook ads, Google Adwords, Twitter, Websites etc. Marketers contact the customers multiple times using multiple mediums. The repetition is important in order to register the company’s name and their products in the customer’s mind. Only then will they think of your product when the need arises.


Multi-Channel Approach Challenges

New Marketing Approach: The Omni Approach

In Omni-channel approach is a multi-channel approach where the companies provide the customers with a smooth shopping experience. The Omnichannel marketing strategies are:

  • Smartphone Channel:If the customer decides to buy something online via smartphone and they are not ready to buy the item at that time. So they put their product in the cart
  • Email Channel: The customer forgets about the product but it is still in the cart.
  • Desktop channel: The customer decides to buy the product via desktop. But sometimes they put it in cart.

In all these cases the product was safe in the cart. No matter what channel the customer used, the cart was with them until they purchased the product. This integration level may look difficult but CRM software solutions can integrate different channels and these provide a seamless experience to customers. This is an effective marketing strategy.


The multichannel marketing approach basically works with guesswork and data integration. Mere integration is not the point. We need to identify the customer behaviour and the signals provided by various channels. If you spend more hours calculating and analysing the data and do various strategies for different companies you can identify the faults and benefits easily.


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