Content Marketing

6 Benefits of Using WordPress for your site

WordPress is a CMS that has a large number of users. The reason for such popularity is the ease of its use. We can easily modify and maintain a website with a CMS like WordPress. All the features offered by WordPress work toward creating a user-friendly experience. Even a person without much computer literacy can build their websites using WordPress. Maintaining a website on HTML can have drawbacks. Beginners find it challenging to edit their website when done on HTML. An amateur without HTML skills can post and optimize their website on WordPress. Several resources are available online for any amateur to follow for easy navigation.The team at WordPress understands how important site speed and performance are to users.WordPress has a theme suitable for just about every type of website.

Beyond easy website development, WordPress offers several SEO benefits. Efficient use of WordPress complements your SEO and digital marketing requirements.

Convincing Reasons to rely on WordPress SEO and Digital Marketing benefits.

A person’s choice of CMS decides the SEO and Digital marketing benefits. There are several content management systems to consider. WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Drupal, and the list goes on. While these are all fine choices, WordPress does have more decisive benefits. These are some of the benefit of using WordPress you should consider.

1. Benefit of using WordPress is the availability of SEO-friendly themes for webpage design

A good webpage design is something that search engine spiders seek. With WordPress, you don’t have to worry about creating the perfect theme or page design. You have the liberty to choose from several inbuilt themes. These themes are SEO-friendly and will attract search engine spiders to your page. It is easy to switch between themes on WordPress as well.

There are options for every type of website. Some themes are multipurpose, while others can be more focused. An example of the former is Avada and Astra falls into the latter category. With an already optimized theme, the next step will be optimizing content. You can achieve this by incorporating free plugins that are available for WordPress. The SEO benefit of using WordPress are many. Your content will rank well on Google with the informed use of these resources.


2. Merits of WordPress is the Option to Install Plugins tailored For SEO on it

On WordPress, installing the right plugins will help optimize for a higher ranking. With these plugins, it does not matter if you do not know how to code. These plugins will meet all your SEO requirements and needs. Some plugins cater to specific SEO needs, while others are more wide-ranging. Google Analytics by Monster Insights, Yoast SEO, and Google XML Sitemaps are a few of the best plugins. Using Plugins for WordPress is simple.

With the inbuilt themes and the plugins you install, your page will get optimized. A higher ranking and more organic traffic will follow. The plugins made are specific to SEO and thus are very powerful. You can both ensure and keep track of the progress your webpage makes.


3. The setting to edit Permalinks to contain your article keyword is attractive

URLs often appear in the form of a random sequence of characters. Comprehensible and coherent URLs for your articles are more appealing. On WordPress, a user can edit permalinks. This process is easy and accessible. No user has to stick to the default URLs. Your URLs can be as informative as you please.

Every article you write will have a focus keyword. Incorporating this keyword in your article’s permalink leads to a better ranking. WordPress helps achieve this. As long as it is still unique, You can edit your permalinks to what you prefer. Try to make phrases that include the keyword. Such SEO benefits of using WordPress as a CMS are free and accessible. This option to edit permalinks is crucial to SEO.


4. The feature that allows for disabling search engine indexing

WordPress comes with an inbuilt feature to prevent search engines from crawling. This feature makes WordPress user-oriented. You may have many reasons to make your page unavailable for indexing. When websites are under work, their unavailability on the search engine gets preferred. Due to this, it is also possible to keep private blogs or manage internal documents on WordPress.

WordPress users can enable or disable search engine indexing. Users can make their content available to the public audience when required. Users can also prevent search engines from locating their content through this feature. Optimized pages are visible to the public only in the forms that the user wants. This feature is both user and SEO friendly. There are follow-along guides available for users’ easy access to this feature.


5. The pre-defined set of Roles and capabilities on WordPress

WordPress comes with pre-defined roles. These are Super Admin, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, and Subscriber. There are specific capabilities assigned to each of the roles. While the Super Admin has the most capabilities, the Subscriber has the least. It is the owner of the sight who can assign roles to other users.

This feature assists your website to function better and manage the workflow. As your business grows, you will also have to find ways to accommodate your growing team. WordPress makes that process easy. You can also alter roles. WordPress makes user management approachable. This comes in handy when you will have to share access to several contributors. With WordPress, you won’t have to grant equal permissions to all.


6. The Ease of Publishing and editing your posts on WordPress

Even when WordPress is a powerful CMS, it is very straightforward. You can add your content, save as a draft, preview it and post if everything is up to the mark. These steps are easy to follow for even the least tech-savvy person. You can also edit published posts with the same ease.

Suppose you published a post and you think you may need to change something. Find the post you want to edit, click on the option to edit, update and save changes, and post again. You can make changes, add, and edit new words or images. If a certain keyword isn’t favouring your site’s ranking it is easy to make changes on WordPress. WordPress keeps up with all your site needs.



No amount of words can justify the number of benefits that WordPress brings. It is one of the most flexible and powerful CMS out there. WordPress offers several features specific to user-friendly SEO practices. It is a straightforward CMS that makes navigation easy. You don’t need any HTML expertise to use WordPress. It makes managing an optimized website very easy.
There are several paid and free alternatives to WordPress. But, the SEO benefits of using WordPress are many. SEO is crucial for bringing organic traffic to your page. Informed SEO practices then become a significant aspect of Digital Marketing.

If you are a beginner and want to learn about the benefit of using WordPress in Malayalam, watch this video. If you want to learn about creating a WordPress site in Malayalam, watch this video.

Joseph Thomas